Motivated and inspired by achievements of a Nigerian artist commonly known as “PawPaw” by Nedu Inspire (New age digital inspirer with inspirations diversified) CEO and co.
knock at the door of success always and when it opens, you will smile non stop but to start knocking, you will experience many things like
- Laziness
- Discouragement most especially from the one you feel will stand be you to suppor (this form of discouragement, shows that when the goal is achieved, it will be wonderious
- fustrations exciting you to give up
- financial set backs
But if you persevere and the door opens. My brother paw paw’s case will be yours and even more. As seen on the picture and his
many achievements too.
STAND UP AND CHASE BIGGER DREAMS @followers @highlight Everyone the time is now, dont procastinate.
Francis Chinedu Obiejesu (Nedu inspire . AS you are aware is chasing goals, learning and succeeding from one goal to another business verified, inspirational speeker/ public speaker verifed , inspirer verified, crypto and bitcoin (binance verified), google patner verified, blogger and website owner, facebook verified(you can see my blue barge on my name ) ,growing artist musician verified as I am almost achieving that goal etc.
As i lay structure to my retirement, i use from one resource to achieve another, and surprisingly might run out of cash while investing in the various stages of my goal.
One with low focus (who do not know your stand) at that point might be looking at you like “he is broke” but in months when I decide to relax and manage the structure it will now look like, This man have engaged in ritual money but forgetting that great wealth are established stage by stage with sweat, strength, hunger, lack of pleasures and most times tears. But at the end no one will remeber all this pains.
Follow me and achieve more milestone. My personal quote is “Anything achievable by a human being, If it interests me, i can achieve regardless of the pain”. Watch me in 2years time.
Igbo song showing wealth regnition by Nedu Inspire
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